Work-life balance? It’s possible!


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The project is financed from the EU resources within the framework of Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme  (2014-2020).


We encourage you to take part in a research, which is a part of a key project by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy  (MRPiPS) – „Rodzina i praca – to się opłaca!” (Work-life balance – It’s a chance!). It will be realised within the framework of Citizenship and Justice Community Law co-financed from the EU funds. 

The main goal of the project is to promote work-life balance mechanisms by employees in companies, familiarise employers and employees with the knowledge of mechanisms and tools facilitating work-life balance, hence create climate favourable to families. The following actions are to facilitate the realistion of the goals: 

  • councelling concerning the implementation of work-life balance (MGR) mechanisms in Polish companies -case studies ;
  • development of a web-based platform concerning mechanisms facilitating work-life balance for employees ;
  • popularisation of knowledge on the methods of applicaiton of work-life balance mechanisms in companies and on the tool developed within the frameowork of the project. 

Currently, we are recruiting companies to take part in the first stage of the project, which will comprise of case studies of 35 Polish companies. Chosen participants will receive free-of-charge comprehensive counselling within the framework of work-life balance concerning theoretical knowledge and practical advice essential to implement solutions facilitating work-life balance in company (detailed description of the project’s stages is presented here) . Participation in the project will make it possible to carry out an analysis of needs and demands concerning the MGR at your company, and the identification of crucial challenges, which companies face within that area. Together, we will develop a set of recommendations and legal solutions adjusted to your company, and a road map concerning the implementation of chosen solutions with the quantities of persons needed. Go to site for the participants of the project.

Your support and participation are extremely important for the success of the whole  „Rodzina i praca – to się opłaca!” project. Your role as experts, who will indicate chances and barriers in the implementation of work-life balance mechanisms by employees will be the basis for personalised solutions at your companies. 

The research will contribute to the acquisition and popularisation of knowledge facilitating the choice of optimal and tailor-made solutions concerning work-life balance, which will be suitable for particular enterprises. It will also indicate estimated costs of such solutions, and potential advantages resulting from their implementation, and examples of good practices in that area, as well as practical information on employee rights within work-life balance (more info on good practices here)

An INTERACTIVE PLATFORM is a significant part of the reseach. It contains all the necessary information on work-life balance, interesting articles, reports and links to good practices, FAQ and forum. 

The research will be carried out by the Institute for Labour Market Analyses, the Lewiatan Confederation and BPSC SA from July till September 2016. 

We strongly encourage you to take part in the research and thank you for your supprt (why it is good to take part) 

Wykonawcy projektu:

Instytut Analiz Rynku Pracy

Konfederacja Lewiatan