Good for Youth, Good for Business – European Alliance for Apprenticeships

Due to high levels of youth unemployment, in 2013 European Commision launched European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA). In the newly published brochure: Good for Youth, Good for Business, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen, promotes the initiative: The European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) promotes the quality, supply and a positive image of apprenticeships, because they are an important vehicle for growth and jobs. (…) The private sector plays a key role in apprenticeship schemes. Apprenticeships can only take place if companies, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), are willing to take responsibility for the in-company training. This should be done in close cooperation and dialogue with the vocational education and training (VET) providers.


Labour Market and Wage Developments in Europe Report 2015

European Commission’s report: Labour Market and Wage Developments in Europe 2015 indicates continuous improvement in the European labour markets against the background of a gradual economic recovery in the EU.

The number of unemployed in the first quarter of 2015 was 23.6 million in the EU. The share of long-term unemployed is, however, on the rise, standing at 4.9% in the first quarter of 2015. Plans are being made to tackle this issue and to provide support to those remaining in this difficult position.


The EU Employment and Social Situation Quarterly Review – II Q 2015

The Quarterly Report of the European Commission: Employment and social situation (July 2015) indicates a continuity from the previous quarter – one can observe a moderate recovery in the European labour markets.

The data indicate an improvement of the situation in most Member States and the euro zone. Again, one can observe an increase in permanent employment and full-time work. It is also greater than the growth rate of temporary or part-time jobs, which is a positive development. There can also be seen a more even distribution of growth in various social sub-groups, higher employment is seen among both women and men, young and old, as well as low-skilled and those with high qualifications. 


CEDEFOP labour market forecasts 2025

We invite you to read the new CEDEFOP report illustrating the trends on the Polish labour market by 2025. The report is a part of the Forecasting skill demand and supply, which provides detailed and accurate information on labour market trends in Europe. The consultants on the report on Poland were CEDEFOP Experts: Dr. Łukasz Sienkiewicz (IARP, Warsaw School of Economics) and Dr. Artur Gajdos (University of Lodz).

Detailed information is available on the CEDEFOP site [link]

The report in PDF format can be downloaded here [link]


EC recommendations 2015 for Poland – Europe 2020

The European Commission, in the framework of the Europe 2020 strategy, has made subsequent recommendations to the member states to support the achievement of economic assumptions for 2020 in the European Union. The recommendations for Poland were presented in four areas: public finance; pensions and taxes; labour market; investment in rail. In the area of labour market European Commission recommended taking action to reduce the excessive use of employment contracts for a specified period and civil contracts.


Report on Poland – 2015 [link]

Recommendations for Poland – 2015 [link]


IARP begins work on new descriptions of occupations and specializations

Institute for Labour Market Analyses, commissioned by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, starts analytical and research work leading to the development of new descriptions of professions and specializations. This is another job for experts IARP connected with the Classification amendment.

Current work includes 291 professions, including 69 “school” professions, laid down for the education in the school system.


Read more about the project here.



XXI HR Congress 2015

On 6-8 May 2015, the XXI HR Congress will be held at Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw – an event bringing together executives of human capital management.
On May 7, the organizers planned a day of Best Practices, during which one can listen about diagnosing competence needs in enterprises during a discussion with Dr. Łukasz Sienkiewicz, IARP Leading Expert in the area of Human Capital and Skills. The debate will be attended by: Anna Wegrzyn, Project Manager mHR Digital Systems Design Bureau and Jaroslaw Dabrowski, Member of the Board, Director at Technology GTECH Poland.
The audience will be presented with a solution developed within the project Human capital as part of the value of the company: Tool for Measuring Human Capital Value (NKL). We also encourage you to read the manual of good practices [link], presenting solutions currently used for measuring human capital.

Completion of work on the IT Sector Qualification Framework

Institute for Labour Market Analyses, in cooperation with the Altkom Academy finished the draft of the Sectoral Qualifications Framework for the IT sector.

The aim of sectoral qualifications frameworks (SRK) is to organize the qualifications operating in various sectors of the economy through the hierarchy and describe them in terms of learning outcomes, i.e. in terms of knowledge, skills and social competence. Through this, it becomes possible to link sectoral qualifications to specific professional tasks, business processes or workplaces, thereby enabling better alignment of curricula to the needs of employers in the sector.


The new Training Offer from IARP

To support our clients in the development of skills and updating the status of expertise necessary to provide high quality services to their customers, we have prepared a new Training Offer.


We invite you to familiarize yourself with the current proposals of the training activities of the Institute for Labour Market Analyses and to be tracking the news where we will keep you informed about further training programs offered by IARP. Currently, the offer includes, among others, trainings in:

  • The use of the classification of professions and specializations
  • Ordering research and evaluation
  • Evaluation of projects and programs
  • The use of forecasting the demand for labour in local labour markets
  • And more


The list of our past and current clients is available here.


Polish labour market in 5 editions of BKL

On 28th April 2015, at the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, took place the premiere presentation of the results of 5th and last edition of Bilans Kapitału Ludzkiego, the project for the annual monitoring of the Polish labour market, implemented by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development in cooperation with the Jagiellonian University.

Dr. Łukasz Sienkiewicz, IARP Leading Expert in the area of Human Capital and Skills, together with Dr. Grzegorz Baczewski (Confederation Lewiatan) and Anna BalcerczakRaczyńska (Polish Agency for Enterprise Development) participated in the debate on: What shapes” a competent worker? The role of the information on competence needs of entrepreneurs.
