The EU Employment and Social Situation Quarterly Review – II Q 2015

The Quarterly Report of the European Commission: Employment and social situation (July 2015) indicates a continuity from the previous quarter – one can observe a moderate recovery in the European labour markets.

The data indicate an improvement of the situation in most Member States and the euro zone. Again, one can observe an increase in permanent employment and full-time work. It is also greater than the growth rate of temporary or part-time jobs, which is a positive development. There can also be seen a more even distribution of growth in various social sub-groups, higher employment is seen among both women and men, young and old, as well as low-skilled and those with high qualifications. 

Cumulative figures show that despite the still relatively high unemployment rate across the EU, this indicator is slowly falling. The second quarter in turn the unemployment in the group of the youngest participants in the labor market, 15-24, is falling, which is caused by their employment, return to formal education system or by acquiring additional training. 


EC Quarterly Review, June 2015, Chart 4, p. 11 / Eurostat

We invite you to read the executive summary of the report on the European Commission’s website and to read the entire document which is available here.
