New project within the framework of “Rodzina i praca – to się opłaca” (Work life balance – it’s a chance)

The Institute for Labour Market Analyses with the Lewiatan Confederation  and BSPC SA is developing a research and consulting project concerning the methods for implementation of mechanisms for work-life balance in Polish enterprises – case studies. It is a part of a „Rodzina i praca – to się opłaca!” project carried out by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy (MRPiPS) within the framework of an EU programme Right, Equality and Citizenship  co-financed from the EU funds. 

The main goal of the project is the promotion of mechanisms for work-life balance for employees in companies, popularisation of knowledge among employers and employees on the mechanisms and instruments facilitating work-life balance and – thus – creating a climate favourable for families. 

The key tool in the process will be providing an web-based platform of the  MRPiPS, which will be a common and comprehensive source of knowledge concerning the mechanisms facilitating work-life balance.