Polish Agency for Enterprise Development announces a competition for co-financing of projects aiming at the creation and functioning of the Setoral Competence Councils

On 29th February Polish Agency for Enterprise Development announced a competition for the co-financing of projects aiming at the creation and functioninig of Sectoral Competencies Councils 


The Councils’ tasks will include:


  • recommendation of solutions/ legislative changes in education and their adjustment to the labour market needs in a given sector, including changes that are likely to influence the improvement of situation of employees in the most difficult situation on the labour market (among others of employees over 50 years old or low-qualified employees) ,
  • cooperation within the framework of educational agreements operating within the framework of the integration of education and employers ,
  • defining research areas relating to competences in a given sector with a particular focus on the situation of employees in the most difficult situation on the labour market, including persons over 50 years old  or low-qualified employees, and commissioning such research,
  • the identification of needs to create sectoral qualifications frameworks and qualifications ,
  • giving information on demand for competences to education and labour market institutions including employment agencies and poviat labour offices, which should eventually influence the increase in effectiveness of employment agency and career guidance ,
  • przekazywanie information on specific needs of a given sector in the area of competences to social partners.


The Institute for Labour Market Analyses took part in the development of Sectoral Qualifications Framework for IT sector   and in the development of assumptions for the analysis of sectors and evaluation model of the effects of Sectoral Framework actions. 


link to competition